16.-17.listopadu 2024 KD Plzeňka, Beroun

Zveme Vás na workshopy s porotcemi Czech Pole Art 2024 - Olegem a Lianou Zabelini! 


AMAZING SPINS, PÁ 15.11.2024, 16:00 - 17:30

Cena: 1700,-Kč

In this class we will learn original spins on a static pole. In spins we will use the forearm grip, twist grip, cup grip. We will learn how to use momentum and master all the tricks of moving on a static pole. Let’s study the effect of each grip on the movement. These spins don’t have names because they are brand new.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Pole Heaven, Vodní 7, Praha 5.




POWER POLE, PÁ 15.11.2024, 17:45 - 19:15

Cena: 1700,-Kč

Basic principles of power elements - technique and variety of power lifts - Proper distribution of energy costs when performing elements for strength - in this class we will learn the elements of the X-flag, power output in handspring, swing output in handspring on a spinning pole and combinations with power elements - special exercises to strengthen muscles and prepare for power loads - technique of sliding interception

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Pole Heaven, Vodní 7, Praha 5.



ADVANCED DYNAMICS, PO 18.11.2024, 10:00 - 11:30

Cena: 1700,-Kč

Principles of advanced dynamics as fonjis/ fonjis variation, flips, different re-grips etc. Focused on technique and preparations, so you can get to the crazy tricks step by step.

Level: Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Pole Heaven, Vodní 7, Praha 5.



NEW COMBOS, PO 18.11.2024, 11:45 - 13:15

Cena: 1700,-Kč

Original combinations and transitions.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Pole Heaven, Vodní 7, Praha 5.