16.-17.listopadu 2024 KD Plzeňka, Beroun

Zveme Vás na workshopy s porotcem Czech Pole Art 2023 - Albertem Amoresem! 


PLAYING WITH STATIC by Albert Amores, PÁ 17.11.2023, 19:30 - 21:00

Cena: 1900,-Kč

This workshop consists of uniting dynamic athletic elements and turning them into creative and artistic ones, thus achieving the goal of creating original and complex combos. The workshop includes 3 combos.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Centrum Tance, Politických vězňů 911/8, Praha 1.



PLAYING WITH SPINNING by Albert Amores, PO 20.11.2023, 9:30 - 11:00

Cena: 1900,-Kč

This workshop consists of creating fluid combos with creative and artistic transitions giving fluidity to the movement, as well as creating artistic and original figures on the spinning pole. The Workshop consists of 3 combos intertwining movements in the manner explained above.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Workshop se bude konat na adrese: Pole Heaven, Vodní 7, Praha 5.